By bradix1186 - 21/02/2015 18:00 - Philippines - Kidapawan

Today, I got the most tear-jerking comment so far about my severe stutter. While I was talking to my neighbor, his little brother interrupted and asked me if I was possessed by a demon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 429
You deserved it 2 592

bradix1186 tells us more.

Hello everyone. I never thought it would get published. I sort of just powered up my computer and felt I had to vent here after it happened. But it's okay though. I'm used to the bickering comments I receive. But I refuse to concede to the negative effects that come with it; I'm a happy person. To those who are sympathetic to what I have, I'm forever grateful while I also am but all sympathetic to those who are not.

Top comments

nesteremily 31

I would have said, "Yes, and you're next."

xivoricbutterfly 25


How old is the kid? If he's too young to know any better, I wouldn't take much offense to it, kids say the craziest stuff.

jcshadow 16

Awww its OK. Kids can be harsh, they have no filters especially when they're not taught to be considerate and accepting of the different people around them

I know the feeling Hon. a coworker had me in tears because of my stutter. don't let it get you down.

I'm very sorry to hear that. He has no right to do this to you. Did you report him to your boss or HR?

I've been stuttering for 20 years now. You eventually stop caring what other people thing. I could stutter for an hour straight in a crowded elevator and not care. Also kids are innocent little suits, I doubt he meant anything mean by it

Perfect time to educate. Use this as an opportunity.

Don't feel bad I had a severe stutter growing up and when I say severe I mean it took forever for me to say 2 or more syllable words. I had speech therapy 3xs a week and over came it I still mix up r's and w's occasionally but I no longer stutter.

lesnot 10

I'm sure he didn't know any better; sorry OP!

Depending on the age of the boy. He may not have known any better. I'm sorry.


A lot of children aren't taught how to properly address people and most kids don't know what is socially acceptable to ask or point out. Kids call it like they see it, except the ahole ones that know what they are doing and do it just to be mean. when I was about 6 I once told a nice guy, that always gave me and my brother treats on the city bus (no pedo), that his breath smelled bad. I didn't know it was rude to alert someone to that fact. so I say depending on the kids age just explain the condition you have and if he says anything else let him know that what he says is not nice and hurtful.

Your life neither sucks nor you deserved it. Some kid who has been hearing stupid stories should not be able to ruin your day.