By bradix1186 - 21/02/2015 18:00 - Philippines - Kidapawan

Today, I got the most tear-jerking comment so far about my severe stutter. While I was talking to my neighbor, his little brother interrupted and asked me if I was possessed by a demon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 429
You deserved it 2 592

bradix1186 tells us more.

Hello everyone. I never thought it would get published. I sort of just powered up my computer and felt I had to vent here after it happened. But it's okay though. I'm used to the bickering comments I receive. But I refuse to concede to the negative effects that come with it; I'm a happy person. To those who are sympathetic to what I have, I'm forever grateful while I also am but all sympathetic to those who are not.

Top comments

nesteremily 31

I would have said, "Yes, and you're next."

xivoricbutterfly 25


Hey OP, if you haven't already, you should look up the speecheasy. Or apps that deal with Delayed Auditory Feedback or DAF. It delays what you hear as you speak slightly, and for some people it helps limit or eliminate stuttering. Be strong and good luck.

his LITTLE brother. the kid probably didn't think before he spoke, don't take it too srsly ! if you keep working hard at your speech, you might be able to rid yourself completely of your stutter :)

I stutter, and am very sensitive about it. I don't believe in making fun of things that can't be helped. When anybody makes a joke, from 5-99 I very politely and bluntly say it is extremely rude and to not do it again. I laugh easily, but that still feels like a punch to the gut. Explain some people have speech impediments that cannot be helped and to avoid saying things like that. Go get yourself a root beer float.

I'm sorry that you have to deal with jerks. My childhood friend had a severe stutter. He ended up getting speech therapy and though he still still stutters a little, he didn't allow it to hold him back from being happy and successful, not to mention the fact that he's sarcastic and when people try to joke about his stutter, he doesn't hold back? Don't let those people get to you

msmedieval 11

I hope your neighbor smacked that little shit! What a horrible thing to say....

orsombre_fml 11

Demons are afraid of people who stutter! ;-)

Yea right? **** them disrespectful bastards for being curious as most children are and opening their mind.

How exactly is calling someone possessed by a demon "opening your mind"? Pretty sure that's actually just being a ********... Like you.

MzZombicidal 36

Yea right? **** them disrespectful bastards who put up with difficult things like speech impediments and getting their feelings hurt like people do.

I stutter sometimes and my dad makes fun of me about it. FOL

Awww well keep ya head up. Don't let assholes get you upset.

chef4money 12

My ex husband and my son both stutter. My Ex does more so than my son. It's heart breaking to hear some of the things people say to them and mama bear has come out many times. I'm sorry you had to go through that and have to deal with idiots. I see how it makes stutterers draw into them selves and avoid verbal contact. I hope you are able to move past the anger and realize that it's the mean person that has the issues, not you.