By Username - 28/07/2011 21:36 - United States

Today, I got the worst sunburn I've ever had in my life, and then discovered I'm allergic to aloe when I went to treat the burn with some gel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 512
You deserved it 3 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

we have this thing called sunscreen, you prob should've used some!!


I've been through something similar to this. I got tonsillitis and was put on antibiotics to get better. not only was I in pain and unable to eat, I discovered i was allergic to the antibiotics (penicillin) and was scratching for days. sorry to hear that OP!

actually a small percentage of people do have an allergic reaction to aloe... I found out that I was a few years ago, so yes it does happen. however, people like myself that are allergic to aloe tend to be allergic to almost everything.

sunburns the worst. I'd suggest you to lay in a run of ice, it's SO refreshing!

ooh buuuurn. but seriously, that sucks!

a comment from Boners that's not related to sex?? this is a very rare moment. Better get out your cameras..

you need to be careful with sun burns you don't want skin cancer now.

chengy4191 7

stop trying to look like an oompa loompa and be pale! every where else across this planet it's socially unexceptable to be tan and us Americans are just out of the loop because we want to look so ******* orange all the time.....the prettiest and hottest ppl I've ever met were pale white and the ugliest ppl I've ever met were tan!