By Username - 28/07/2011 21:36 - United States

Today, I got the worst sunburn I've ever had in my life, and then discovered I'm allergic to aloe when I went to treat the burn with some gel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 512
You deserved it 3 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

we have this thing called sunscreen, you prob should've used some!!


Captain0bv10us 0

Arghh that sucks :( your skin must have been so red from that!

Try a cold shower then Solarcaine spray. After that, have a fan blow over the sunburned parts.

the same thing happened to me!!! I got burned last Thursday and it's still beat red

I feel your pain. it's trial and error with these things.

punkpixzsticks 5

Actually using ice or really cold showers right after a sunburn will make it worse. It might make you feel better but it won't stop the burning of the sunburn. Taking the hottest shower or bath you can stand after you get sunburned is the best thing I found to relieve the pain of the burn. After that any lotion will help...not just aloe

poweredbyparamor 0

as nasty as it sounds, milk works just as good as aloe

poweredbyparamor 0

im sorry, but i may like the smell of it, but i havent, nor do i believe i ever will, feel the urge to rub a chemical meant for my car all over my body. because even i have more common sense than that

skapatti 0

try having psoriasis and being allergic to aloe...fMl

Sophiesaurus115 1

YDI, for not wearing sunscreen. Sure, you could still get a sunburn, but not one as big as you described >.