By Anonymous - 07/06/2013 22:00 - United States

Today, I got to drive my mom's car. I'd recently watched the new Fast and Furious movie, I thought it'd be fun to drift around a few corners. I ended up smashing straight into someone's front yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 102
You deserved it 119 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There is no possible scenario in which you don't deserve this.


If you wanna race, once you've paid for repairs of your mother's car, buy your own car, and wreck it as much as you want in area where doing so would not endanger other people or drivers. I.e. on racing track. Make sure you're medically insured and have money prepared for a funeral. Just in case. On a more serious note, there should be some schools that teach stunt driving. Try to find one of them.

Poor a representation as those movies are, you would think you would have gathered an idea of exactly how difficult that kind of driving is, especially for someone who has only been driving for a year or less. You ******* deserve it, pay the repairs, learn to actually drive, THEN start learning performance driving.

Thats the last time your mom will let you drive any car of hers smart guy.

You're not mature enough to be trusted with a bicycle, let alone a car.

As you were writing this didn't you think, "this one was probably my fault" or at least next time try to practise, maybe with a bicycle.

Next thing you know, any movie with an imitable stunt in it, like the Fast and Furious movies, will have to have a little disclaimer on the bottom through all the fun parts, just like your average car commercial, thanks to dumbasses like the OP. "Professional driver, closed course, do not attempt."

Narcisse_fml 25

I take it you failed to read the disclaimer about those stunts being performed by professionals and how you should NOT try them.

I hope you learn well from this. Those stunts are performed by trained professionals and they do not encourage you to do these sort of things at home with no training beforehand. In the future for your own safety and for others as well, think before you act, especially on the road. Other drivers can be careless as well.

I think that also happened in fast and furious way to go!!