By Anonymous - 16/04/2015 02:41 - Australia

Today, I got up feeling refreshed and positive for the first time in ages, so I happily threw my window open to greet the beautiful morning. A bee flew into my eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 793
You deserved it 3 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A lot of people go about their days with a slight buzz on to take the edge off

Dreamsorrow93 24

You honestly should BEE more careful. If I was you, hive seen that coming. Yup, I'm not clever.


MaximumBeat 16

You know what they say about Beauty, it’s in the eye of the bee-holder!

The bee probably wasn't having a good day either

Australia. Where everything is trying to kill you.

Now featuring suicide missions against your soul.

iLike2Teabag 27

Also, since this was in Australia, the bee was probably the size of a squirrel and mauled OP's eyeball after mistaking it for food.

Oh no! I hope you didn't get stung, and your definitely not allergic, otherwise this would be a completely different FML. Positivity and love to you OP!

Well, bees are usually nice guys and hopefully it didn't panic and sting you, but wasps on the other hand...thank God you're ok. Hopefully.