By Needsanewjob - 10/01/2012 15:34 - United States

Today, I guess I accidentally left Facebook open on my work computer while I went to the bathroom, because my boss updated my status to "Unemployed." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 507
You deserved it 55 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

desireev 17

One of the first things an employer of an office environment will tell you is "Stay off of Facebook!" Sorry, OP.. But YDI. You knew it was a rule and you broke it.


Maybe you will learn to focus on work and not be on Facebook

You don't deserve to get money when all you're doing is slacking off.YDI.

I would just like to let you know that I hate you because you automatically assumed OP is at fault. Now that I've said that, maybe OP was doing work and just had a Facebook tab open. Just because Facebook is open doesn't mean Op was slacking off. Have a nice day, Asshole.

107, you got your name right! Spaz... Why else is facebook open? To have more tabs and make it look like you're working more?

Who the **** cares if OP "just had a tab open"? If the policies at the job dictate that the computers be used for WORK ONLY, then just opening a Facebook tab violates that policy. Clearly OP was using Facebook ("I accidentally left MY facebook open") on a company computer ("on MY WORK computer"), so it is obviously OP's fault. Full stop.

Why did OP have the tab open in the first place? Most people go on Facebook when theyre bored, or have nothing to do. There is absolutely no reason, in my opinion, for anybody to be on Facebook while they're at work when they're supposed to be getting paid money for doing their job. OP clearly wasted the companies time, and therefore money. No need for insults, I say this with your education in mind Spazz.

You never have downtime at work? Not many places have you working for 8 hours straight everyday. For me it's simply because there's a lot of waiting involved, but I'm guessing op works in an office where I doubt his days are brimmed with work. We aren't worker drones.

b0ngs 7

Yeah thats a good idea *sarcastic voice* but OP really deserved it

blueeyedwolf 10

His boss probably knows better than to be on facebook during work.

I read this comment in micheal kelso's voice. The fact that this is some moronic thing he would say goes even better with the picture because you look like him too. Yes I mean you look like a moron Also you resemble Ashton kutcher(sp.?)

Why is every one disliking this comment? It's funny as hell

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Hey Spazz, where's the PLUR, eh? If you're gonna disagree with someone, at least contribute to the discussion with some rational thoughts in opposition. Pointless bitching is pointless.

Heres a tip, when you're at work atually do your job, There are so many people out there that will just snatch it up when you go.

Haha that's what you get for slacking off at work buddy. This is ydi written all over it

This is why employers don't want to hire people, because they end up spending money to train fools that waste company time on Facebook.

Oh, come on guys, like we never take a little break from our work...especially if we're working with computers. It's so tempting. Nevertheless, leaving your Facebook open is definitely asking for problems.

One office I worked at didn't care if you did something like facebook occasionally or during slow bursts. Basically they understood people need a brain break, not everyone is a smoker, so they let it slide as long as it wasn't excessive. Of course the people in this office were very efficient with work being done ahead of deadline and new ideas being worked on without being asked. When you take extra stuff to your boss you can sometimes get away with slacking here and there.

I can honestly say I'm not even remotely tempted. There's so much to do throughout my day at work that I can't afford to think of anything but work. And you know what? I love it.

meggy2010 5

That's what a lunch (or a 15 min) break is for. Sorry but if you can't go without Facebook or your phone for more then three hours (while at work) than you don't deserve to be paid for your half ass work effort. I know i can go all day without either one and be perfectly fine.

jojimugo 20

Why is everyone acting like they are the model employees efff it everone does it