By sadman - 05/02/2011 07:16 - United States

Today, I had a date with a girl I'd been seeing for about a month. When I got home, I saw her Facebook status changed to "In a relationship." This made me kind of excited, until I realized it wasn't with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 037
You deserved it 3 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mintcar 9

You were " seeing " her for a month. That doesn't mean you were in a relationship. You probably wanted to take thing slow and I'm sorry it ended the way it did. FYL, but next time make sure you communicate.


pengin 13

Aww I'm so sorry for you :((( Same thing just happened to me a few weeks ago-- and I'm a girl. What's even sadder, the guy started contact/ interest in me and was relentless. For a few months we were chatting and hung out etc, getting closer (I'm quite weary of guys) & started to like him-- then BOOM he did that :/ It was basically "WTF dumbass" moment x.x

The exact same thing happened to me as well a few months ago.. :c

Man this acctually happen to me...hope were not talking about the same girl x/ but ive been talking to the girl for 3 years,2 of which she had a boyfriend, and she needed time to recover for the relationship....then i moved away and still talk to her a lot then out of the blue BAM she goes out with a guy she hasent met in person AND IS IN THE SAME STATE AS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!FML

chels21 0

So sorry that happened. You are probably a good guy too. Just don't lose faith, not every single girl is like that. I'm a girl, and I wouldn't even come close to doin anything like that. You don't her anyway. You don't need someone like that. Keep lookin, she's out there.

Happened to me too. It pissed me off and she STILL tried to IM me as if we were never dating in the first place...

Do you want a relationship with a girl going out with other guys when she is in a relationship with you. You got the better deal than that other guy.