By sadman - 05/02/2011 07:16 - United States

Today, I had a date with a girl I'd been seeing for about a month. When I got home, I saw her Facebook status changed to "In a relationship." This made me kind of excited, until I realized it wasn't with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 037
You deserved it 3 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mintcar 9

You were " seeing " her for a month. That doesn't mean you were in a relationship. You probably wanted to take thing slow and I'm sorry it ended the way it did. FYL, but next time make sure you communicate.


UpsidedownKayak 9

OP, she is a player and, at least, now you know where you stand. It was only a month and it is time to move on.

don't beat yourself up. dating means exploring options, you should have had more.

Should have noticed there was another guy in the picture when you went down on her and found a pleasant odour of rasberries. You don't wear rasberry condoms..put 'em together man! I won't choose You Deserve It here. We all **** around sometimes....

sourgirl101 28

No, 'we' don't! Your comment was funny until the last part. Speak for yourself and only yourself.(:

Girls are like buses, miss one, next fifteen, one coming.

because nothing is ever official unless its updated on Facebook....

I got off a date with my girl.. she changed her fb status to single and posted I hate stalkers.. we were dating 2 years.. didn't give me one clue.. I thought everything was goin swell

mintcar 9

You were " seeing " her for a month. That doesn't mean you were in a relationship. You probably wanted to take thing slow and I'm sorry it ended the way it did. FYL, but next time make sure you communicate.

armedandangerous 3

Don't feel bad OP, change your Facebook status to in a Relationship aswell...