By satanlovesme - 30/05/2009 23:22 - United States

Today, I had a dentist appointment. While waiting, I pulled out my Cosmo magazine to entertain myself. The woman sitting across from me points and tells me I'm reading "Satan's Manual." I told her I don't believe in Satan. She said, "You'll know he's real when you become his bitch!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 846
You deserved it 8 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SP63_fml 0

Ugh. I was raised Christian, and always will be, but these kind of people are what gives Christians the names they have. Wouldn't it be great if there was a world where people could co-exist, and go about as they wish? I know many Athiests, Muslims, and even a few Buddhists. They're all nice people, I could care less about who they worship, or if they do at all. But then again, I've been excommunicated from my church, supposedly for these reasons. Oh well, who cares, I refuse to join a church that discriminates.

LOL. I didn't know Satan had a manual.


It's a FML because she reads cosmo. I'd be filled with self loathing if I so much as used that trash to wipe my ass after taking a dump, let alone actually reading it.

ll i dont care if this was possible made up, that is hilariou~ great fml post :D

# 13 and # 53 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA amazing. and this isnt an fml its just hilarious

loltreated 0

To be quite honest, I'd have laughed if someone said that to me, even though I am a Christian. However, it would be great if those who don't believe in God would keep their extreme comments to themselves. It's obviously not my belief that God doesn't exist, it's theirs, and that's their right, but it's incredibly annoying and rude for people like #24 to say those things without regard for how others feel. I'm not an if-you-cuss-and-read-Harry-Potter-then-you're-going-to-hell Christian, but I do believe in God and I don't like watching people blaspheme Him that way.

peanut_gallery 2

I'm torn between YDI because you read Cosmo and therefore, surely, an idiot, but I will go a bit more toward the FYL side because I Hate religious retards more than airheads. So a grudging, FYL.

Lagunaguitar 0

#19, I love you!!! I am an atheist and people have given me crap all my life. Wars are started because of religion. If everyone could get along, the world would be so much better. ALL CHRISTIANS, CATHOLICS, BUDDHISTS, MUSLIMS, JEWS, HINDUS, AND ATHEISTS SHOULD UNITE AND COEXIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what you met one crazy lady and you think it is a FML it is not but I will admit it is funny

Oh, that is BRILLIANT! I don't think it's an FML, but it's amazing nonetheless. Thanks for sharing that story - it totally made my day!

Miss_delaney 0

#49 i totally agree with you. i'm a christian, but im so embarrassed when people make a spectacle of christianity in a negative way, like this woman obviously did. if you believe in God, you have to also believe that Satan exists, so maybe this woman's comeback might have been correct, i can't stand when people treat God's word as a way of putting others down. Thats not was it's meant for. Not only that, but it was wrong of her to judge others. if she reads the bible, she would know that God tells us to judge ourselves before judging others.