By satanlovesme - 30/05/2009 23:22 - United States

Today, I had a dentist appointment. While waiting, I pulled out my Cosmo magazine to entertain myself. The woman sitting across from me points and tells me I'm reading "Satan's Manual." I told her I don't believe in Satan. She said, "You'll know he's real when you become his bitch!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 846
You deserved it 8 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SP63_fml 0

Ugh. I was raised Christian, and always will be, but these kind of people are what gives Christians the names they have. Wouldn't it be great if there was a world where people could co-exist, and go about as they wish? I know many Athiests, Muslims, and even a few Buddhists. They're all nice people, I could care less about who they worship, or if they do at all. But then again, I've been excommunicated from my church, supposedly for these reasons. Oh well, who cares, I refuse to join a church that discriminates.

LOL. I didn't know Satan had a manual.


Wow, i hate people like that. and here is something a little ironic/creepy (I swear this isn't Photoshopped (except for the highlight ;P) )

Mitz_fml 4

f her life for being a closed minded bible thumping moron.

79 said it all. all hail the waterboy :)

caprica_fml 0

I'm reminded of this quote by Annie Dillard: An Inuit hunter asked the local missionary priest: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?" "No," said the priest, "not if you did not know." "Then why," asked the Inuit earnestly, "did you tell me?" People who push their beliefs on others can be likened to forwarding a bad chain e-mail, hopefully most people will have the common sense to delete such messages and mark them clearly as unwanted 'spam.'

SP63_fml 0

@92. Wow, that's a keeper

i cant stand ppl like that, ppl that cant except other religions and other ideas. as an athiest myself, i hate it when ppl tell me im wrong, stupid, or retarded 4 not agreeing with them. im entitled to my own beliefs as are you. if i were you, i would have told that lady to **** off & thrown the magazine at her. #37/42 who the hell do you think you are!? you're really pissy aren't you? like are you ******* on your period or what?

DeadMansCrack 4

HAHAHAHA this one made me lmao

A_Wolfe 0

#17, #37, #42, #81: I'm almost 100% sure that you're the only person who cares about what you have to say, and you're probably the only person who's read and re-read your comments just because you love the sound of your opinion, hence why you forced it upon us 4 times. Just lighten up and enjoy the FML's.

#37, zealots dont look at what their religions teach them. They contort it to convince themselves that everyone else is an enemy. I am a christian, but thats what i believe in, not what i no for sure. Nobody anywhere on this earth is in the position to judge a religion because nothing can prove a religion is real but nothing can disprove it either