By Noname - 17/03/2009 20:35 - United States

Today, I had a gymnastics meet. I thought I was done with my period, but when I was up on the beam warming up my routine, one of my coaches called me down and told me that I apparently wasn't. My coach goes around asking my teammates moms if they had any pads. My dad caught this all on tape. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 895
You deserved it 7 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

and #4, shut up you dont have a right to call any of it gross until you actually have to experience it. which you wont considering you're a guy, an arrogant and ignorant one.

agh! feel so bad for you. my periods pretty crazy too. i remember about 2 years ago i thought mine had ended too, and i got up from my seat in class and when i was about to sit back down i noticed the people around me staring at me. i looked down and my seat was all red and smudged with blood. yikess.. but then again, at least it wasnt caught on tape.....


woolymittens 11

Ohh man my period is pretty messed up too ): I remember a few months ago it was pretty heavy and i was sat in class and when I stood up it was ALL over the seat! I was so embarrassed cos everyone saw, periods are so messy, you feel awful sometimes! Don't worry OP, it's not your fault. :)

That sucks big time but I know I would have used a tampon just in case... Now you know for next time

Ok I'm no genius on female anatomy, but why did your coach have to let you know that you're on your period? Wouldn't you notice that your ****** was bleeding? Haha this is a legit question, though. I slept during health class in eighth grade

In my experience, you can't actually feel the blood coming out. You can feel dampness in your underwear (or pad) later, but other than that there's no real sign of what's actually going on. Some girls get cramps right before, but it obviously does not apply in OPs case.

Sometimes towards the end it stops for half a day or so and then starts again.

All these days I thought pink outline around the profile pictures meant its a female and blue, a male. After seeing the comments here I've started to doubt it.

That sucks...I would be so embarrassed!!:/ #lol ~say fierce~

I was at a gymnastics meet too at the time thinking since my periods were still irregular I would be fine. Of course this is the time my period comes a month after the last one! I couldn't do anything, but let my period seep into my leotard because we couldn't leave the area.

My last period was month and a half long... I agree. They suck.

while I sympathise with you, I also have to ask how you didn't realise you were bleeding? like generally people know when they're having their period.