By bowler - 13/12/2009 21:31 - United States

Today, I had a job interview at the bowling alley. The manager was busy and asked if I could wait. Let's just say I've never bowled before, and I wanted to know how deep the hole was on the bowling ball. The interview ended with him spitting on my finger, trying to get it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 708
You deserved it 33 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You tried to get a job at a bowling alley and youve never bowled before? YDI

justdancebbyx3 7

Who the **** cares if you're first


YDI for applying for a job at a bowling alley yet never having bowled before - it's called common sense. Oh, and, the manager asked you to wait. Not play around with the bowling balls. Sorry girl.

i'll bet the dude gave a creepy smile and said, "deep enough for ya?" and then proceeded to spit

why would he spit on your finger? you could have done that yourself...

You should have just told him that it's been stuck on your hand for years so you feel its your destiny to work at an alley.. sure its dumb as hell but it saves you from being spit on and you get a free xmas gift for some1 with small fingers.

...Wooow. YDI. For so many reasons. I pray to GOD you don't reproduce, for I'll mourn the loss of the final remnant of society's poor excuse for "intelligence." u____u;

perdix 29

You shouldn't ********** at a job interview. I'm sure after you fingered the bowling ball, you got some naughty ideas! Either you made the manager's year or disgusted him to no end.

YDI for applying to a bowling alley when you have never bowled before- and obviously never held a bowling ball either. Also, who cares how deep the hole is? And you wouldnt want to work for a boss that spits on you. eff the managers life for having to deal with you.


Did anyone else her notice the "that's what she said" joke in this one? "...ended with him spitting on my finger, trying to get it out..." That is a definite "that's what she said". Sorry, just had to point that out. Anyways... You could have just judged it using your pinky finger, which is a finger to most likely not get stuck in the bowling ball. Unless you have chode pinkies, that would probably work. Not my fault if you've got chode-like fingers. But FYL for losing that job interview. I don't know what kind of interview is held at a bowling alley, though. Unless you were applying for a job AT the bowling alley. And you've never bowled before? That's I bowled when I was 3. It was bad bowling that consisted of bending over, putting the ball between my legs, and pushing it forward, which then it slowly rolls and ends up stopping halfway down the lane. But still, your would-be future employer was dumb to have your interview at such a place. All the people yelling, neon lights, people drinking, possibly some smokers. Not a great place. Like a bar...never a place to go for an interview. I hope you find another job with an employer that doesn't set up your interview at a bowling alley. That's just...stupid.

paks7 0

I'm pretty sure she was applying to work AT the bowling alley... context clues anyone??