By crybaby - 12/04/2013 05:58 - United States - Elmont

Today, I had a job interview. Everything was going well until I noticed a picture of a dog hanging on the wall, which reminded me of the ending of Marley and Me. I started crying and had to be escorted out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 009
You deserved it 79 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Words cannot express how completely undatable you sound.

perdix 29

#1, strong words coming from the girl with the mustache!


you seem like the sort of person who would literally cry over spilled milk

420Zombie 17

I can only imagine that you're thinking of one of those animal donation commercials for ASPCA.... But marley & me was a movie. (Possibly just as sad as the commercials though)

dr_snow_bear 29

Slow clap to you Sir. *clap......clap......clap.....*

who rhe **** keeps a picture of a hanging dog on the wall?

You might want to read the FML again, chief.

If op is a guy you sir, are a pussy..if op is a girl you may have borderline personality disorder

Do you also cry when you see dogs on the street?

You're a dude?? I thought for sure you were a chick! Man, grow up! Wait until you're old like me & have true life tragedies! What cha gonna do? Cry all the time! Do you have a girlfriend? Wait! Let me answer that, no. You seriously need help if a book/movie affects you that much. WTF? YDI!

Infinity1337 11

Please tell me you are at least on your period op.

potatosareawesom 7