By crybaby - 12/04/2013 05:58 - United States - Elmont

Today, I had a job interview. Everything was going well until I noticed a picture of a dog hanging on the wall, which reminded me of the ending of Marley and Me. I started crying and had to be escorted out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 009
You deserved it 79 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Words cannot express how completely undatable you sound.

perdix 29

#1, strong words coming from the girl with the mustache!


nivaldie 9

Oh man! I knew he told me he posted it, but I never would guess that it'd get posted! Well, I'm not the OP, but he's my good friend, and he told us all the story at lunch. He watched Marley and Me the night before his interview, and that the stress and nervousness made him breakdown when he saw the picture. He's not really a crybaby, but still it is pretty funny. So don't be hating on him. I'm gonna tell him right away!

Tell him he needs to see a therapist. A person who is old enough to be applying for jobs should be able to control his own emotions while in a public setting. Even if he did watch the movie the night before and was really nervous. Everyone gets nervous on job interviews, but most don't break down crying about a movie during the interview. He sounds very unstable, and I hope he gets some serious help.

Esran 9

What the hell is wrong with you ??? I am a women and I wouldn't allow my self to be as week as you describe you're self. Have feelings but please try to control them!

For me, I had a yellow lab since I was 4 and she passed when I was on a band trip, so I was devastated. I still get pretty bummed out when I see other dogs that look like her, but I definitely don't start crying to the point of needing to be escorted out. What's your excuse?

tacobadger 3

Wow. I'm waiting for the FML followup to this that says something like "I posted an FML and got mocked because I'm a gigantic emotional ******, FML" Seriously grow some balls OP. Get help. Oh, and man card? Revoked.

Isn't this a scene from a movie? I can't remember what one, but I know I've seen a scene with a woman in a job interview seeing a picture of a dog and crying...