By crybaby - 12/04/2013 05:58 - United States - Elmont

Today, I had a job interview. Everything was going well until I noticed a picture of a dog hanging on the wall, which reminded me of the ending of Marley and Me. I started crying and had to be escorted out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 009
You deserved it 79 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Words cannot express how completely undatable you sound.

perdix 29

#1, strong words coming from the girl with the mustache!


Did you forget to take your medication today? You sound like a very unstable individual. You should probably go see a therapist and work out your issues.

your man card has been revoked, and a list of therapists is in the mail...

I can understand why you were crying. I would never want to see a dog hanging on a wall. Even a picture of it.

25 - The only thing more feminine than sparkling vampires is sparkling vampire women.

Megan639 16

Am I supposed to feel bad for you? You didn't deserve the job.

And the worlds biggest pussy award goes to...

I can't help but think that if OP was a woman, there wouldn't be nearly as many YDIs. Men are stereotyped as always being macho and hard-headed, whereas women are portrayed as more emotional and sometimes weaker. Neither of these stereotypes are true in all circumstances. Perhaps OP just has a big heart, which is just fine, even if he is a man. Sorry OP, you sound like a good person. It does suck that you had such a reaction during a job interview though, but next time try to contain yourself until after the interview. That would be my advice regardless of your gender.

Pull yourself together, good luck for next time round!