By danny5191 - 17/03/2012 02:21 - United Kingdom

Today, I had a nasty cough, but I went to college anyway. When I walked into class, I could practically smell menstrual blood in the air. After a few coughs, our instructor gave me an "Oh, shut up!" After half an hour, she kicked me out for not "taking the class seriously". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 973
You deserved it 8 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GoW_Chick 14

He was basically saying he knew his professor was going to be a bitch about his cough and used pms as a way to explain it

We all have more than one brain? Then again they do say men think with their other "head". You know..the old reliable.. the sneaky snake... Penis


I think it's the time of the month for the female teacher, she clearly was in an annoyed mood, so listening to op's few coughs, op got kicked out for coughing and being ill

Why do guys think that when a woman is mad she is on her period? You're an idiot for that comment.

"People got mad at me! They must be pmsing" Oh please.

what's menstrual blood have to do with anything?

it amazes me how tripped up people are getting on the menstrual blood part and actually taking it seriously. how stupid can you people be?