By yobruh - 17/05/2011 04:54

Today, I had a parent-teacher conference with my 8 year old son. He'd written "Chuck Norris" as the answer for every question on his test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 953
You deserved it 11 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hellogoodbye1996 6

so it was a parent teacher conference because he did exceedingly well on his test?


Taydean 1

win straight up! you should be proud

samicna 4

I say get your child's teacher the proper educational equipment chuck Norris verses Mr T. then he/she will fully understand your child was correct!

srayray 5

why are you complaining?that's the right answer!!

chrisg2001 3

haha. that's too freakin awesome.

ijnek 3

you should've asked the teacher how she got her teaching license.

So it's the teacher's fault because a kid chooses to write "Chuck Norris" for every answer? Riiight.

No, it's not. Some kids just mess about and don't pay attention to the the teacher, despite the teacher's best efforts. Some kids have trouble concentrating, but how is that the teacher's fault? Even really great teachers come across kids who don't put any effort into school, and no amount of excellent teaching can get to those kids sometimes.

awardZu 0

Relax, 116 is obviously joking. Get over it and take it as it was intended, a mildly comical joke that didn't take much effort to come up with. It's not a big deal.

On the internet, it's hard to tell whether someone is being an idiot or merely joking. I assumed it was the former of the two, but if not, then I apologize. I've just known people who honestly believe that all teachers are lazy idiots-- and I can't stand people who are that ignorant. That having been said, joke away! Honestly, I don't always have a stick up my butt.

Shoulda been more involved and not used television as a babysitter.

it's nice to see one person with common sense. YDI to the parent. fyl to the kid because he doesn't have parents who care enough to be involved in his life and teach him schools not a joke.

SadisticStephyy 21

Yeah no one will see this as an FML you came to the wrong place if you want sympathy...

devilynmarie 0

it was a conference to talk about how brilliant your boy is. Chuck Norris is the answer to all