By NevertheKool - 07/05/2015 21:43 - United States - Union City

Today, I had a plan. I was going to get up early, eat a well balanced breakfast, put on my workout clothes and enjoy this beautiful day with a fulfilling jog. Instead, I put on my workout clothes, spent hours on social media, ate a pizza, and ended up falling asleep on my couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 764
You deserved it 28 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

*couch* I don't think you slept on your coach, I think he would have made you run

Ydi for not having motivation and complaining about it online.


Ydi for not having motivation and complaining about it online.

drunkmunkey 24

Assuming she meant couch then she deserves it, but if she really fell asleep on her coach then you know she at least burned off some of the pizza

Exactly. Maybe now she'll learn to not say "I better check Instagram before I leave." That will probably resolve many issues like that in OP's life

JohnTheDonJuan 11

How can you spend hours on social media for ****'s sake? Get a damn life kid. No wonder you're a failure level 100.

It's what my generation does brahhh, waste our life away with selfies and and pound signs, sorry hastags.

I thought that was the reason for the Internet. Huh.

*couch* I don't think you slept on your coach, I think he would have made you run

Maybe she fell a sleep after some steaming warming up on the coach.

I read it to mean coach as in the vehicle

Congratulations I'm playing to your strengths

If you don't put forth the effort, change will not happen. Just try each day to live a little healthier than yesterday, you can't change it all at once.

And instead of planning it for the next day, just go for at least short jog, but tonight. works for me ;)

Never too late for a jog OP, why not go now instead?

Take it from #5, OP! Her pics are proof she's fit.

We all wish we can do the things we tell ourselves to do. Welcome to the club * hands OP a slice of pizza*

Psycocharger 19

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You can still workout, now you have some motivation, working off that yummy pizza!

I don't see how this is anything other than your fault.