By Powerless - 30/08/2012 06:05 - Australia

Today, I had a planned 12-hour power cut for maintenance work, which I'd forgot all about. In need of a shower before work, I spent 45 minutes boiling pots of water on the stove to take a lukewarm, 6-inch deep bath, before realizing my water heater runs on natural gas and was working fine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 055
You deserved it 29 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Always check first. Also, wouldn't it be more efficient to boil one or two pots of water and use a simple washcloth?

lovemesomeanth 2

Thank god for running water and water heaters, imagine having to boil your own bath water every single day.


As a wise man once said, "Get a brain! Morans"

thiscrazything 1

I wonder if the wise man knows what a "Moran"" is?

As another wise man once said, "It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word!"

Moran, a female Irish quidditch player in Harry potter and the goblet of fire.

Trying to justify your spelling mistake made whilst being condescending - Fail.

Yeah, I figured you wouldn't get what I was trying to do. Moran.

Fuzz97 - For the record, I got it. For the rest of you, there's a picture from a few years back of a redneck at a protest holding a sign that says "Get a brain! Morans!"

Haha, it seems that the morans are still thumbing me down. I honestly find it hilarious how so many people on this site appear to suffer from grammar pedantry syndrome.

Suck it up and take a cold shower. It's not that bad. And you really do feel refreshed after.

Sigh. Better late than never I suppose.

coughyochick 7

You lost me after "power cut".

Following the power cut, OP boiled water for 45 minutes, bathed in said water then realized his power wasn't cut. What's not to get?

SeedlessMe 13

Well, you were close Mae! But not quite. OP's power was, in fact, cut off. They forgot their hot water runs on gas, not electric. Therefore the water can still get hot.

At least you could take a nice, hot, relaxing bath after all of that.

TrinityisLife 22

I'm assuming that your stove is a gas stove since you were able to boil water....

29 - No. That's not funny and you're making yourself seem like an immature douche.

I wish i could down vote more then once. :(

YOLO backwards is OLOY: Only Losers Obey YOLO

astralvagan 20

During stressful situations people often let the simplest things slip their minds because they are worried about the big things. The positive here is that you were able to eventually take a shower before work

notknown 2

I also have natural gas for hot water but it still uses electricity to power the gas unit so my one wouldn't of worked, not sure how yours work.

thiscrazything 1

Electricity to power the gas?????