By seizuregirl17 - 19/11/2013 15:00 - United States - Boston

Today, I had a seizure in class. Being an epileptic, I had warned my professor of the possibility that I could have one in class. She was understanding and seemed very concerned about my issue at the time. After I had the seizure, however, she asked me if I had ever tried exorcism. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 519
You deserved it 2 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you ask if she'd ever tried science?

I tried Science once. Once. It tasted like bitter tears and soul-crushing sorrow. Try History instead. I've heard it tastes of forgotten dreams and endless hopes.


We don't call ourselves "epileptic".... It would be "being a person with epilepsy". There is no such thing as an epileptic person. Just saying... But that sucks. I had a seizure in front of my boyfriend and he thought I was possessed lol :)

My fiancee who has epilepsy calls herself epileptic so does my uncle who also has it. Don't try to speak for everyone.

Beepbeep7 14

I have grand mal seizures and have had them for 15 years.Some of us indeed do call ourselves epileptics. You should not post ignorant opinions as facts.

You may refer yourself as an epileptic, but that is not the correct term.

I'm just trying to correct grammar before someone sounds like an idiot on a website. Sorry for trying to help and state facts. Hop off

Except, you weren't. You said "we don't" as if speaking for everyone who has it. Had you left that off, your comment could of been right, but as it is, it's wrong.

Don't over think this love. It probably sounded funnier in your professor's head... Though, as a concern, maybe it would also be a good idea for you to educate some of your friends or class mates in the issue, so that they would have a better understanding of how to react to a situation.

Also, having epilepsy is proof we have a brain :) wheres hers?

Scynistr 20

That's why I said "compels" doesn't feel like the right word to use. "What on earth compels you to act that way" it means causes you to act. Not forces you to leave..

Orhugs 11

As a fellow epileptic...**** him.

well... is your teacher by any chance a retard? I'm epileptic and that really sucks

Leaving is an act. The power of Christ compels you to leave is accurate. I don't understand what your problem is..

That's terrible! Just know that you're not alone though. I have epilepsy as well. I am very aware of how insensitive and uneducated some people are. Just hang in there.

Yeahhh, some people just shouldn't be teachers. I've been lucky, I've had mostly good teachers in my life, I can't imagine how horrible it would be to have my education in the hands of such an idiot. Either that or it was just a really inappropriate joke.

I know how you feel OP I had a ton of seizures throughout my high school years but I'm cured now but those were some of my embarrassing moments! Keep your chin up