By seizuregirl17 - 19/11/2013 15:00 - United States - Boston

Today, I had a seizure in class. Being an epileptic, I had warned my professor of the possibility that I could have one in class. She was understanding and seemed very concerned about my issue at the time. After I had the seizure, however, she asked me if I had ever tried exorcism. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 519
You deserved it 2 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you ask if she'd ever tried science?

I tried Science once. Once. It tasted like bitter tears and soul-crushing sorrow. Try History instead. I've heard it tastes of forgotten dreams and endless hopes.


sb601 9

Sorry to hear that OP. I got diagnosed with epilepsy myself recently. Your professor sounds like the biggest idiot in the world. And if She was "joking" that's the worst joke she could've said. Having a seizure is no joke, feels like a truck went over you. It's completely insensitive and I suggest you talk to your professor. If it ever happens again report her. FYL for having a dumba** for a professor. And good luck with everything. Stay strong!

poor americans. your country needs to become more non secularized. especially within the education sphere

Oh how I wish someone would dare say that to me during a fit... I had a similar experience; my stepfather blamed my taste in music for the 'demons inside of me' aka epileptic fits ... m/

I hope you reported her for such a comment

Sophie_Hart 9

Enough with the seizure puns. Theyre lame. OP I suggest you change college.

lol oh god. i would have been pissed if one of my teachers ever said this while i was in hs. thank god they got under control for me after a year.

badluckbayan 16