By seizuregirl17 - 19/11/2013 15:00 - United States - Boston

Today, I had a seizure in class. Being an epileptic, I had warned my professor of the possibility that I could have one in class. She was understanding and seemed very concerned about my issue at the time. After I had the seizure, however, she asked me if I had ever tried exorcism. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 519
You deserved it 2 909

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you ask if she'd ever tried science?

I tried Science once. Once. It tasted like bitter tears and soul-crushing sorrow. Try History instead. I've heard it tastes of forgotten dreams and endless hopes.


samimarie199 22

I feel your pain. When my sister had a seizure at the day camp i was working at no one cared but when another kid had a minor spacey state the whole camp was freaking out. Needless to say we aren't gonna be there next year. Fyl

maggiefox 25

I have epilepsy too, I feel your pain of dipshits and their "funny" questions -_-

(This is my third comment on this FML to people with seizures. I feel like I'm going door to door asking if you'd like to speak about our Heavenly Father.) Anyway, I have them took and I seriously want to help people. Meds have so many side effects but there's one thing that I did (I also feel like a weight loss ad.) that helped partly fix my seizures (absent, not grand mals) even though it wasn't entirely. If you want some insight into something let me know.

Dont worry OP. it was probably her first time ever witnessing a seizure. if you had a grand mal or tonic clonic seizure those can be very scary for people. its not what they expect.

hahahahaha I do that to my friends all the time

I know something that might be able to help you with your epilepsy. If you're interested, lmk because I have it too (except not as bad as you). The method didn't work for me but my mother and I are looking into something else... Long story.

Scynistr 20

I gotta say.. I never quite understood why they say compels. I feel like its not the right word for an exorcism. I mean..?sure Christ can compel you to leave.. But it's forceful.. Shouldn't it be repels? Idk..

She has likely never seem someone have a seizure before. She may have just tried to lighten the mood. It can be scary for others involved to as they don't know what to do. I say take it in stride.

an exorcism by nature is kind of forceful....

she may have been kidding, but fyl and hope you're okay