Seize the day, right?

By Anonymous - 03/06/2024 08:00 - United Kingdom

Today, our boss offered use of the restaurant for free for my 50th. It went well but afterward he asked us to clean up, then started pulling all the deep-cleaning equipment out of storage, saying, “Might as well while you’re all here.” The cleaning took longer than the party. Bastard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 582
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

Now you know why it was “free”.

Vesi 29

Ah.. no. That is literally asking you to work for free. This is also illegal. Not sure about UK but it sure as hell is illegal in the states. Might want to report boss to higher ups.


TomeDr 24

Now you know why it was “free”.

Vesi 29

Ah.. no. That is literally asking you to work for free. This is also illegal. Not sure about UK but it sure as hell is illegal in the states. Might want to report boss to higher ups.

Just say no to abuse. I'm grateful for giving us the place for the party, but this is a few hours of work. We will do it tomorrow during working hours.