By sciencetime - 10/12/2016 11:33

Today, I had environmental science class. My teacher doesn't believe humans are affecting climate change or that we should protect endangered species. He slants class discussions so now all my classmates agree with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 184
You deserved it 1 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like people like you are going extinct in your class...

I'm a conservative person but tend to go away from the conservative norm when it comes to this topic. There are too many of "my kind" that look the other way and ignore facts when it comes to climate change, it's just sad.


finally sounds like there's a conservative teacher doing the same thing that leftist teachers do all the time

Really? Idiots on both sides have been doing this since the beginning of time, both left and right. To deny this is to deny reality.

thunderniron 22

Not saying whether I agree or disagree with. But a teachers job is to present an unbiased lesson and allow the student to reach his/her own opinion based on critical thinking.

It's 28 degrees outside, if we're heating up how come it's so cold? Explain that liberal media!!

kk21days 14

The arctic circle is 36 degrees warmer than average and Greenland is melting. Glaciers are a rarity. The ocean is rising because all of the ice caps are melting. Science is not a liberal conspiracy. Science doesn't give a single **** about your political views. And FYI, you don't know more about climatology than the climatologists who've dedicated their lives to studying climate.

This scares me. I want a future! We need to work together!

No one, not even your teacher, will deny that the climate changes. The real argument is over the extent that humanity's actions have had and will have on the direction and rate of that change, if any. The panic-button-pressers like Gore have done a disservice to real science by adjusting their data to fit their models rather than doing proper science and adjusting their models to fit the data. When they get caught doing that - lying, basically - it undermines their point and instills doubt where good science would have otherwise dispelled it. Bottom line: all that oil was safely hidden underground, and for almost 100 years we've been pumping it up to the surface of the planet and making CO2 + heat out of it. CO2 traps heat in the atmosphere - it's a fact. It's not unreasonable to say that our actions might have an atmosphere/ocean warming consequence as the amount of CO2 in the air increases. *clicks "Spill the beans", turns off computer so the last human lives 0.001 second longer*

This is the most ironic fml I've ever seen

does he think all elephants should be slaughtered so we can have ivory chess sets?

There's science on both sides, people. In most cases, for both sides, it's manipulated in some way to fit their agenda.

Global warming is a hoax created by the liberals to give the government more power and ability to take money from us. The global warming screamers fly all over the world in their private jets raising money to combat "global warming" . They love high on the hog and want us to ride bicycles and not heat or cool our houses. Hell the idiots in CA are killing the dairy biz because they are regulating cow farts.

kk21days 14

The arctic circle is 36 degrees warmer than average. Greenland is melting. Glaciers are a rarity. The ocean is rising because all of the ice caps are melting. Science is not a liberal conspiracy. Science doesn't give a single **** about your political views. And FYI, you don't know more about the climate than the climatologists that have dedicated their lives to studying climate.

Climate change deniers are a special kind of sad. There's too bloody much evidence to support the existence of climate change. Now, if people want to argue WHAT effects climate change is having, THAT is a reasonable discussion to have. But blatantly denying it and encouraging others to do so is irresponsible and dangerous.