By Crap - 30/07/2015 00:57 - United States - Seminole

Today, I had horrible diarrhea at work. When I felt the bubbling, I ran to the bathroom. An agonizing bowel movement later, I realized that there was no toilet paper in the stall. Just as I was about to ask a coworker who was in the bathroom for some, the fire alarm went off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 179
You deserved it 1 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You could have asked anyways. There is always a chance that he would hear you.

it would be a she since the person who wrote this is a female

I didn't know they hooked up a fire alarm to your anus.

cutiepie292929 18

Use a sock or underwear and put in bin. You gotta do what you gotta do in those situations

Which always why you always check beforehand. Or at least keep a pack of tissues on hand.

Sounds like the perfect time for you to crab walk and take some toilet paper

MrMoofinMan 19

I'd honestly take advantage of the situation to shuffle into another stall and die satisfied knowing that my butthole was clean.

Goblin182 26

Life rule #139; Always check for paper before you take a dump.

Rule #140: Desperate times call for desperate measures and rule #139 can be overlooked.