By hatty - 23/09/2011 13:48 - United Kingdom

Today, I had my car valeted at my hotel. The manager came out, took my keys, and said the car would be waiting for me in an hour. I was then forced to watch from the lobby as the "manager" sped off downtown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 894
You deserved it 6 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow call the cops and give tell them what he looks like. FYL. But you should have checked his ID.

This is why I don't trust valet parking.


If you didn't call the cops then you're partially to blame.

bubo_fml 10

stiff him on the tip if he doesn't make it back in an hour...

Even some hospitals have valet parking, and it's free

Don't worry, he'll be back. Valet service is a very competitive market. They're always adding new services to ger that competitive edge over one another. He probably took it for a quick wash and wax. Just wait there for him. If he's not back in an hour you know you're getting the ultra deluxe service (a tire rotation and front end alignment thrown in!).

ukrage 1

I'm sure his comeback to that is insurance an medical care are for rich ppl

Dang, OP. Thats some tough luck. Huh, imagine trying to get your car replaced or filing an insurance claim (I'm not very experienced in insurance of any kind, so I apologize if I sound like an idiot). It would be funny to explain "my valet stole my car." Funny as in strange, or out of the ordinary.

'A FML'?!! I think you'll find it's 'An FML', perhaps if you learn to write properly, you might get a good job and be able to afford someone else to park your car.

lmb19 0