By hatty - 23/09/2011 13:48 - United Kingdom

Today, I had my car valeted at my hotel. The manager came out, took my keys, and said the car would be waiting for me in an hour. I was then forced to watch from the lobby as the "manager" sped off downtown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 894
You deserved it 6 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow call the cops and give tell them what he looks like. FYL. But you should have checked his ID.

This is why I don't trust valet parking.


I had a friend who would try to get me to valet park, and this is the reason why I wouldn't. If it is the real manager, then he's an idiot and it will make his business look bad, but since you said "manager" FYL especially.

leadman1989 15

Yup he's gonna drag race and totally your car... FYL!

ikickgingers 15

I see what you did there. I just wanted to say that. Sorry.

YDI for being lazy and not parking it yourself.

.....Call the cops moron, instead of sitting here on FML! geez when will people get a clue.

Toowoo 3

Yea what are they gonna do carry the tv on they're back.. Remember they don't have a car anymore and tha tv is prolly heavy

Why would you trust strangers with your car.

1) why did you ask a question as a sentence? 2) why can't you understand what valet is? 3) why am I typing like this?

So did you do anything about it? Or let it sped off just like that?

herpitydurteedur 0

Well they said they had to watch from the lobby so it doesn't necessairily mean the person didn't really work there. You've never heard of A valet takin a nice car for a joyride? Either way, If they gave them the actual valet key and not the real key you use to drive everyday, the car will turn off after about 5/10 minutes.

why would the manager do the parking anyway? a lot of places (not all) have people hired specifically for that, and the manager should have something more important to do. AND why didn't you call the cops or anything?

SincerelyPsych 0

I hate when people say forced to watch. I'm sure there was SOMEthing you could've done. ????

zowieandzander77 1

I was thinking the same thing! Jeeze it's not like the OP was held down and eyelids propped open clockwork orange style...

yeah I totally agree, op should've ******* run out there, sprinted down the highway or road, outrun his own car on foot and jacked that shit back. ******* hell people, this isn't Halo, get a damn grip on reality already

zowieandzander77 1

You're an idiot. No one is saying the OP should have outrun the car! By saying "forced to watch " it implies they had no other options other than standing there watching someone take their car-- which is NOT true. OP could have shouted, ran outside to get other people's attention, went to the front desk...