By hatty - 23/09/2011 13:48 - United Kingdom

Today, I had my car valeted at my hotel. The manager came out, took my keys, and said the car would be waiting for me in an hour. I was then forced to watch from the lobby as the "manager" sped off downtown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 894
You deserved it 6 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow call the cops and give tell them what he looks like. FYL. But you should have checked his ID.

This is why I don't trust valet parking.


Well, did he bring it back an hour later? If so, he didn't lie and you gave him the keys, so he didn't do anything wrong... amirite?

RedPillSucks 31

Or did OP find out that the hotel doesn't actually have valet parking.

16- It would still be considered Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle, which in my state at least, is a Class A Misdemeanor, punishable by up to two years in prison, a $15,000 fine, and a term of probation not to exceed 36 months. So yes, he could get his ass grilled for taking OP's car. Source: Texas Penal Codes & Statutes, rev. Nov. 2010

bfsd42 20

No, you are probably not right. From the tone of the post, it implies that his car was stolen by someone posing as the manager. I guess you would have lost your car too in the same situation.

suckstoobeyou 0

29 the op isn't from the us.... So there for it might not be the same charges...

That's why I said in my state. Every state and/or country has different laws and different penalties for said laws. You're absolutely right.

zowieandzander77 1

Seriously? Even the holiday inn has valet in Boston it's not that big of a deal.

I don't really understand why someone would put so much trust in a complete stranger with something like time park yourself...

Downtown? In East Lothian? You REALLY use that term??? Or just CTRL-C CTRL-V?

bfsd42 20

Good point. I don't know any Brits who use that term.

Nikkitaria 9

Somebody's jealous. Just because a person has money doesnt mean that everything's going great in their life

Totally agree. People without money say it doesn't make you happy. People with money don't always agree.

Your name wouldn't be Ferris Buller by chance????

Arrest him is right, and hopefully they have insurance