By Prego my ego - 23/07/2009 17:39 - France

Today, I had my first date with this guy I really like, who came to pick me up. Once I got into his car, my uncle comes out of the house and yells "Remember, pregnant girls aren't allowed to drink." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 074
You deserved it 7 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you really ARE pregnant, the guy you are dating should know...

SnifflyMiscreant 0

Maybe the uncle was just trying to scare the guy she was going on the date with. That's actually something that my dad would do...... haha


astro16 0

I think her uncle did it because he thought it would be hilarious! And probably because he's mad that's she's probably getting sum action, and he's not ;P

HughHolmes 10

your uncle got any plan for you ?