By Parenting... - 27/08/2013 04:36 - United States - Arlington

Today, I had no choice but to bring my son to work as a med school professor. I sat him in a chair in a corner while I gave a lecture. To my surprise, he added another word to his limited vocabulary, and screamed it out loud with an ecstatic expression on his face. The word is "cancer". FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 025
You deserved it 4 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It frightens me that you are a medical school professor (not your son, right?) and yet your FML is awkwardly written. I am wondering if the lives truly ****** are your students. :/

Ari1337 15

its pretty clear to me. your comment was worded more awkwardly.

That's cute! Good thing it wasn't a vulgar word!

Ins0mau 20

A kid gleefully saying "cancer" is cute to you? It's one if the developed world's biggest killers. Like them smiling and yelling car crash.

People are just desensitised to words like cancer and malaria. If he had said something like "yay, apartheid!" the reaction might have been different.

I don't really understand this FML...

If people say anything just tell them he is really into horoscopes!

Just hope you don't have to give a shot to someone who screams profanities....

Would you rather he scream obscenities at the top of his lungs?

Well done on getting around a nightmare of a childcare issue. So many people would of given up. I hope you remember to write it in their baby book and remind them in later life

Isa_fml 20

Look on the bright side, maybe he'll be a doctor someday. :)

I see nothing bad about that, it's not a swear, not anything sexually transmissible. The hell is wrong with it? Your kid is learning more words, be proud.

Although I don't see anything really wrong with this, I wonder at your reasoning? Why is something sexually transmittable worse than cancer? Herpes is easily curable for example, and I somehow doubt this is worse than cancer. Cancer can also very easily be used as a swear too by the way...

Because if you discuss anything sexual near a kid young enough to have a very limited vocabulary, it's pretty damn wrong. Medical stuff is good though, he's going to be educated lol. I've also never heard Cancer being used as a bad word. O.o