By Parenting... - 27/08/2013 04:36 - United States - Arlington

Today, I had no choice but to bring my son to work as a med school professor. I sat him in a chair in a corner while I gave a lecture. To my surprise, he added another word to his limited vocabulary, and screamed it out loud with an ecstatic expression on his face. The word is "cancer". FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 025
You deserved it 4 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's better than if he yelled out ****. I mean, he may recognize the word but not understand what it means.

Ins0mau 20

It's funny how in our society, a word that means sex is considered more disturbing than a word that describes our biggest killer of people.

Best response I've seen for this FML. Well done.

At least you don't live in The Netherlands, where that word's a swear.

Yes. And yes, it's also shocking for loads of fellow Dutchspeakers.

Hey man, I would rather have my son saying cancer than ****

Better than him screaming out an STD, I've got to say. GONORRHOEA!! SYPHILIS! GENITAL WARTS!

perdix 29

The funny thing is that the OP's son is 35.

Hahahaa, that could certainly be a problem...

Cadillac4427 8

it could of been worse, such as.yelling "cancer" in room full of patients going through chemotherapy. its not as horrible as you made it out to be.

I think the age of your son is a very important detail you've left out, OP. Other than that, i don't think you need to worry to much. In a classroom full off college students, a young kid could've picked up words a lot worse than 'cancer'.

flashback_fml 14

You sound like a really boring professor