By shwasted - 22/02/2010 05:17 - United States

Today, I had one of the worst first dates of my life. After leaving the restaurant early, we went to a party to try and salvage the night. My date then got wasted, ended up puking in the back seat of my car on the way home, then lied about it. My night ended with me cleaning vomit out of my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 558
You deserved it 3 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI should have dumped him after the restaurant.

This sounds suspiciously like the 80's movie, "Blind Date."


volleyballx3 2

ahahahah, that SUCKkk'S BaLLL'S(:

Abandon Date! Kind of like abandon ship, get out quickly before it goes down in flames. YDI not for the date but for sticking around when all signs said it would only get worse from there.

I want to hear the whole story! You should tell it here: (not an ad! I don't work for them; I just want to hear the whole thing.)

x805xUnknown 6

This "FML" just failed. One of the worst written I have ever seen. Fail..

brandothemando 0

umm, u only have 1 first date

u should have left ur wasted date to fend for him or herself