By Anonymous - 03/08/2012 22:50 - Mexico - Villahermosa

Today, I had the crap beaten out of me by a woman in the street, who accused me of sleeping with her husband. I still don't know who she or her husband are, and I'm still a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 044
You deserved it 1 962

Same thing different taste

Top comments

toowie_fml 20

Well since you've already been beat up, might as well find the husband and sleep with him.


Altie 13

I like the fact that OP is honest about being a virgin

jayfreeman80 0

You should have beat the shit outta her then gone and let her husband pop your cherry!!!!

Somehow, I don't see this being a good idea..

Another assault charge on today's society

That's serious go to the police. When I was in primary school a older boy beat me up cause he thought I was bullying his sister. I never saw her before.

day624 14

Hide yo kids hide yo wife there's a crazy bi^tch on the loose

iHeartRKO 5

Hide yo husband too cuz they beating up people out here

I hope you track down her husband and have the night of your life ;)

Or you could track down me and have the night of your life.

Seriously if she attacked you for nothing you can call the police.