By Anonymous - 05/07/2009 23:20 - Canada

Today, I had to be go to the ER after I fell on a rake. After having stiches put in, my Mom wanted me to go to the store with her. My friend saw me at the store and thought it would be funny to rip off the band aid because she thought I was hiding a zit. She ripped out my stitches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 623
You deserved it 3 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OMG I feel so bad for you. How can this be a YDI?


emyle11 0

aw BITCH. ooh, if that were my friend, i'd rip her damn intestines out...

Damn. That sucks. I would have repaid the favour by hitting your friend so hard that she needed stitches.. then rip them out! She how she likes it. Alternatively I hope she gave you some head to make up for the fact that she did that to you. ;)

Nissi 17

Ahh! ****. I'm so sorry, that must hurt like a bitch. Urghh. Gives me the creeps, thinking of it. Gahd.

meddude 0
Eresbel 0

Jim, I hope you never procreate. Why the f*ck do you suggest hitting her friend, ripping out her stitches AND forcing her to give head? Why do you have to take it that one step from a funny suggestion about reciprocal violence to weird and creepy pseudo-rape? It went from dishing out what was served to sexually dominating someone. What is wrong with you?

No one said anything about *forcing* her to give head. All he said was that he hoped she gave head to make up for it. It sounds more like he means she volunteered to than that he means that OP forced her to. Which leaves the question, in what kind of ****** up society is causing someone to need stitches and then ripping them out funny, but OH MY GOD DON'T BRING SEX INTO IT?

"i saw my poor friend hiding a zit, so i thought it would be hilarious to rip the band aid off. haha." FYL that had to hurt.

enuff_crying 0

FYL for having a friend rip out your band aid and stitches. But I'm also gonna vote YDI for falling on a rake. Your life sounds kinda like a really old scooby doo cartoon, or like the Three Stooges

soccerboy101 0
pwnage79 0

maybe he triped or was pushed

my god, ur friend is such a bitch!!!!! get well soon FYL

WOW. Lol. FYL that must of hurt. Your friend is a dumbass.