By Anonymous - 23/10/2011 21:16 - United States

Today, I had to break up a fistfight between my wife and mother. Apparently, my mom heard that I finally got the great paying job of my dreams, and told my wife I'd finally kick her "useless ass to the curb." We have to spend the holidays together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 643
You deserved it 3 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could kick your mom to the curb and not invite her over for holidays.

ters19 10

That seems like something my family would do


Well were you going to? I would have.

lostintime94 5

He obviously loves his wife, his mom needs to know her place. They likely have children and the wife is likely a stay at home mother who supported her husbands dreams so the mom has to go

2ndSucks 15

Family holidays are always the best.

The holidays? It's october! What holidays?

ikickgingers 15

Thanksgiving - in November, that's next month... Christmas - in December, the month after... That's not enough time for cat fights to subside into eye rolls and nasty comments...

khat31 2

he didnt say they were spending the holidays together right now he might have meant christmas

_daniellesays_ 10

I'm oh-so-sure he means they planned on Trick-or-Treating together 13. duh!

mintcar 9

That's a terrible situation to be in. If I ever get married, I hope that my husband and my parents actually like each other.

Clever comment in 3,2,1. No I got nothing.

Deadzombie 2

Good thing you went ahead and posted anyway.

lostintime94 5

Lol I agree...why post then?

ditto Neeples i cant get a snappy comment either.....

you really dont "have" to spend the holidays with her. i was never happier than when i realized that i didnt "have" to spend time with people i didnt like, or that were disrespectful to me or my partner, just because i was related to them.

YahImThatGuy 0

Yes, Someone else gets it! You don't HAVE to do much of anything in life. You simply have to make a choice based on priorities and which are top for you. Personally, wife comes first to me.

mismonroe 0

Classy! Did boxed wine fuel this fight?

No, not boxed wine, but boxed sangria, or cooking rum

bizarre_ftw 21

Holy Hell!! You'd have to be Dedicated to get drunk enough for a fist fight on Cooking alcohol!!!! That is some Disgusting shit!!!

I just use regular alcohol to cook with...

@13 Very OBVIOUSLY the holidays AFTER halloween like thanksgiving and christmas.

Or kick both to the curb and be a bachelor.

thejedi08 10

yeah... his MOM'S useless ass!

brightstarwoman 3