By RIP - 07/10/2012 18:34 - Finland - Espoo

Today, I had to call the cops to break up a fistfight at my mother's funeral. It turns out my two brothers care more about having a pissing match over their favorite football teams than they do honoring our mother's memory. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 692
You deserved it 1 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How incredibly immature. I'm very sorry for your loss OP.

Hope they stay in jail for a bit and realize what's important in life...


They're either 5 years old or braindead. Right? Please tell me I'm right .-.

Maybe it's their way of dealing with the loss, with angry over nothing. Sorry for your loss

that's horrible & really unsuitable for that type of environment... sorry for your loss OP.

natalia18oo 12

Wow that sucks! I hope that you some how find a way to cut them out of the will!! They don't deserve anything if they can't respect a dead women at her funeral let alone their own mother!!!

afairshake 8

Very sorry for your loss what an awful thing. My uncles got in a fight making the arrangements for my grandmas funeral last year. Family can be messed up royally. Some respect would be nice. I've lost my dad so I understand the pain you're in. Hope she left everything to you the one who has respect.

It's possible that they were very upset about your mom and didn't know how else to express it besides in fits of rage. It just so happens that football was the spark for the fuse. I'd like to say it's one of those things you will all be able to laugh about in the future...but it's not.

I can't imagine my life without my mother, I can only imagine what you're going through and that really sucks.. But I feel like that's good enough for me to never speak to my brothers again.. People are so rude and never cease to amaze me

ElishaisSexy2016 9

This sounds like something good for the Jerry Springer show. JERRY! JERRY! But I'm sorry for your lose OP. :(

OP's name is... Fitting. Sorry for your loss.