By bethanygirl - 29/10/2011 19:46 - United States

Today, I had to cancel my birthday party because of snow. It's October. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 715
You deserved it 5 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't have snow and I live in Canada

I didnt know you couldn't have a birthday party with snow..


Mass??? Me light for two days!!

ccwolf93 0
kitsune3 20

...Can you not read, or are you just geographically challenged? If you paid attention to the post, you'd see under the fml that OP lives in the U.S. Canada isn't part of the U.S., moron.

Typically when someone says 'Welcome to Canada', they mean that the issue you're complaining about is something we deal with every day and doesn't slow us down... not that we believe the OP just moved to Canada. Something tells me 340 isn't the moron here.

rawrautumnz 7

I live in jersey. same dilemma ._.

boo freaking hoo. its just a birthday party. get over it. you probably have plenty more to come. grow up.

my guess is Western MA or New England. I live in Western MA. we just got 2 feet of snow. haven't had power for almost week. no heat. no water. most school and businesses are closed. we're in a state of emergency. there are power lines and trees everywhere. they called in relief teams from as far as Georgia and Tennessee. the national guard got called to. just a guess.

rabbinussbaum 0

Quit complaining there is this new thing called "postponing"

Atop complaining. I live in Canada and we get snow mid september