By ShylaMarie - 14/02/2012 22:29 - Canada

Today, I had to chase my naked brothers around my house for twenty minutes, trying to get them to take a bath, all while they were chasing my best friend around yelling, "IT'S WIENER TIME!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 529
You deserved it 2 930

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DontClickOnMe 28

I love the image in my head. How hilarious!


SexySunter87 0

hahahaha thats freaking hilarious

Jon15805 7

Hey at least he's being straight forward unlike most guys lol

redblueflame 23

Lmao, that's so funny! How old are your brothers? I hope your friend didn't get offended and juSt laughed it off

LOLOLOLOL Thats going to be my catch phrase.

Hopefully your friend doesn't have to go to therapy after that