By oh my dad - 13/02/2013 16:45 - United States - Florence

Today, I had to convince my dad that text lingo causes brain damage just to try to get him to stop. He actually believed me, and is telling everyone they have, or will receive brain damage soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 348
You deserved it 28 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

OMG, I LOL'd and then I had to STFU and CTFD. I guess YOLO and mine is almost over. S2BM (sucks to be me, just made that 1 up :) )


I fail to see the irony in this fml with the use of those two words. Text and lingo are both full words to start with.

CharresBarkrey 15

Text lingo meaning stuff like 'LOL' The words 'text lingo' are not actually text lingo.

Sorry you guys, I saw 'lingo' as a shortened version of language, guess I deserved to be buried for an innocent mistake:(

I think there may actually be some truth in that. When we use text shortenings instead of real words, it's lazy, and in fact could be said true that it doesn't use as much processing in the brain. It also degrades and pollutes the language that we use. I myself have noticed I use text speech for real speech occasionally on accident, I've even started romanticizing my speech to counteract how lazy speech has become. Language is the vehicle that people use to convey messages, if our language becomes stupid, don't all our ideas start to sound stupid?

perdix 29

This isn't really new. Trying to make language smaller and faster has been going on for ages. Daniel Webster changed "draught" to "draft," "colour" to "color," et cetera (which is more often seen as etc.)

Ugh, such a gloomy vision. It's not true either, because A) texting is playing with words, sentences, vocals. If you can't write a flawless sentence in your mother language, you probably won't be the best texter either. So the idea that your brain doesn't process that much as it does with 'good' language, is false. B) you might see text language as a pollution, but you could also see it as an enrichment. Now you have the Queen's English, dialects, sociolects, street language, professional jargon... and sms/chat language, which has created the opportunity to talk in an entirely different way with eachother. Think about emoticons or sms-poetry. C) while sms language has created sms language related mistakes, I don't think it's such a big deal. Mistakes do happen, if sms/chat didn't exist, you would make dialect related mistakes. I apologize for all my textual mistakes in a comment about textual mistakes, but I'm not a native English speaker and my entire comment was based on the memory of what my teacher told us.

I wouldn't worry about your English, looks fine to me! You probably put most native English speakers to shame, though from what I've seen, that doesn't mean an awful lot

The great writers all used something similar back in the day when paper and postage were more costly.

This not an FML this is the most fantastic troll ever. Enjoy this OP you deserve it!

Well that would explain the swag fags and YOLO tards.

I just want to say good job, keep fighting the good fight.

Lol ya op I no wat u meen mi parentz allwayz b typin like idk lyk dey kool but wi all no u gatta b young 2 b fly lmao wtf omg rofl csb ikr ttly d00d ttyl ! Man, I think you were right; my IQ seems to have dropped 4 points already....

I'm now questioning my IQ because I understood everything you wrote. O:

Looks like he has used too many text lingos already.

He probably doesn't understand technology as a whole or the concept of the abbreviations so will believe just about anything. Older people are like that with technology. Just like my grandmother who would not text on her phone because she thought having to use textspeak was a required rule or something and that you weren't allowed to text in complete sentences.