By m0m - 04/03/2016 14:01 - Belgium - Brasschaat

Today, I had to explain to my 27 year-old sister why a stainless steel fork isn't a good toy for my 8 month-old baby. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 045
You deserved it 1 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think your baby would be safer on it's own than with her.


tiger820 20

it happens once shame on them, it happens twice shame on you.

While as a toy, it is not the best option. However, my kids were all eating (or learning to eat) with a regular steel dinner fork at that age. And yes, they played with them as they were eating, no one ever got hurt.


I actually gave my daughter forks starting at 6 months. As soon as she could eat solid food. She never hurt herself and now at two, she's an amazing eater and is starting to use chopsticks.