By ahhahaha - 12/08/2009 03:07 - United States

Today, I had to go to the police station to pick up my 42 year old dad. Why? He was caught stealing candy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 419
You deserved it 52

ahhahaha tells us more.

Okay this is my FML and to address everyones comments- yes the name candyman was thaught of and is used. And I can't believe only one person figured out that it's simply a midlife crisis issue. And yeah, I put it under kids for a reason. It is FML because I can't use it against him cuz he's too much of an ass. And for another reason that will be posted as another FML. Thank you and goodnight

Top comments

Brolin 4

Lmfao this is amazing, I would hold that over him for years to come. Anytime you need something, just remember this, and hold it over him haha this is really great.

Kiwi_Splash 0

You're not getting the point. It's that his dad is 42 and caught stealing CANDY. Sure, the OP's dad didn't do something so HUGE, but it's the fact that of all crimes, he chose to steal, and not something major, but candy, something that would not cost more than 2 dollars at the most. It's just ironic because that is something a child would do. But anyway, HAHAHHAHHAH. Must've been hilarious.


Ahahhabahahahhshshhshahahahahahhahahhbahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahbahabhahahahajajajhajanajaiahiahuahauauguaguabbsubusuaubauhsuhuahuauahuahuhauhaihahishisusisbishb Lmao soooi harrrrtttd

dk2008 3

I love the category choice, and this is my fav. FML.

haha, your dad got arrested. your dads black!!!!!!! Also your dad might have a severe case of ass sucking!!! Also your dad woldn't have gotten caught if the so calles "candy" wasn't flavred meth he was sharing with his underaged *****.

lmao. Never let him live it down. Give him candy for Christmas.

o my god thankyou for posting this this the funniest thing ever it made my day

lovely997 0

that is the most awesome thing to be stealing in your 40's hahaha

Nightmare1 0

OMG!!!! This is sooooooo funny!!! I signed up to the site just to comment on this hahahahhahahahhahahhhahahahaahahaahahahahahhahahahahahahhaahhahahaha!! Funnyist thing I've heard all week!!

omg this is wayy too funny! but would have been better from your dads point of view!

These days, babies are running sting operations to catch candy thieves. Wonka is not amused with your dad's incompetence! Epic fail by daddy.