By stupid - 24/09/2009 01:18 - United States

Today, I had to hand write a 10 page essay for one of my classes. When I turned it in I got an automatic zero. It was written in blue. Not black. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 881
You deserved it 13 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It didn't list such an important requirement somewhere?

Once you go black, you never go ba- waaaiiit a minute ಠ_ಠ


bedspring_kiss54 0

Really, the reason why you have to hand write essays and things is because of plagiarism. Of course, you can still copy down a whole passage in your own handwriting, it just makes copying and actually pasting a hell of a lot harder. I've had to do it a few times...

cucumberfabulous 7

There's a website site now that teachers make you go to and submit your essays. It tells you how much it's plagerized. Although..... I don't know how many schools use it, but mine does..

pandabear11 0

Only if you're in Highschool. Most Universities now require you to submit your paper twice. Once to sites like and then a paper copy to the teacher. It can catch a lot of plaigarism. I think it's to stop frat boys from recycling papers.

All you really need to do to get around that is re-word it a bit. I have done this many times. I had a teacher who required we burn our papers onto a re-writeable disc or save them on a floppy so he could check them, and I never got busted for it, despite never doing much actual work...

That kind of shit happens to my girlfriend all the time! She got a zero on a paper for using the "wrong shade of black ink" I want to knock her teachers teeth out!

Wait, wrong shade? As in she used a cheap pen and it was too light? Or that the blackness of her pen was like the inside of a coffin on a moonless night? Either way, that just pure crazy and needs to be taken up with school administrators.

They should seriously get rid of all pens that don't write in black ink. It's not a professional document unless it's typed or written in black ink.

since when is an essay a professional document? =|

arienh4 0

College isn't a profession, sweetheart. Therefore, college papers are not professional.

pandabear11 0

No college professor would want to grade a 10 page handwritten essay. They make you type it 12 font, double spaced, black ink, with a header.

It's an academic document. Academic document:School::Professional Style:Business And I'm pretty sure this isn't college...

It's not abuse of authority if the writer didn't follow directions. I'm 100% sure he didn't put down "even though the directions said so" or "I wasn't paying attention in class, so I didn't know because I slack off" This isn't a FML, it's a "I can't read directions and weep the consequences"

i thought it could be blue OR black, as in any shade of either. srsly, get another opinion, i think its just ur teacher... do they not like you by any chance?

goddessnike13 0

Why in the world would anyone require you to HANDWRITE anything? It's 2009!

wellinever 5

Boo Hoo! Sir! Sir! Teacher's not fair, Sir! Get a grip. When your passport, driving licence or job application form is turned down because you used blue ink, remember the lesson this teacher just taught you. Or I suppose you could try crying to the President. He might understand.

thats stupid, say something about it! surely they cant do that. and to the people saying why are people still writing, its because final exams (eg. the hsc) is a written exam, and not done on paper, so its making students practice writing so they'll be ready.

Unbelievable. It's stuff like this that makes people go on shooting rampages.

Anon17564 3

How absurd. I bet the teacher feels real sanctimonious and proud of themselves for doing that.

I bet you're real proud of yourself for using the word "sanctimonious." Next time, try using it correctly or at least look it up because it's apparent you don't know what it means.