By stupid - 24/09/2009 01:18 - United States

Today, I had to hand write a 10 page essay for one of my classes. When I turned it in I got an automatic zero. It was written in blue. Not black. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 881
You deserved it 13 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It didn't list such an important requirement somewhere?

Once you go black, you never go ba- waaaiiit a minute ಠ_ಠ


YDI. I'm sure it said you have to do it in black pen somewhere considering almost every major assignment I've ever done, heard of, or seen has had to be in black pen if hand written. It's pretty common knowledge I'd venture to say. Sorry you wasted your time. Maybe next time you'll read over the assignment instructions.

When I was in school, blue and black ink were pretty much interchangeable for major handwritten assignments, tests, etc. The school you went to most likely just sucked and was not current with what is considered acceptable in the "real world"

pray tell how this is racist? I'm so sick of people crying racist when something doesn't go their way! a gas station is closed? racist! cops pull you over for speeding? racist! tv stops working? racist! out of something at a store? racist! call Jessie Jackson! good god people, it's not racist if something normal happens. get over it or get a pocket sized ACLU and Jessie Jackson.

trakus 0 i guess the color blue is the color of the DEVIL now. I'm sorry dude. Look on the bright side. You are now, hopefully, going to follow the directions better next time. Still sux though. You have a dick teacher.

You deserve it, for being stupid and not meeting the requirements.

Forcing you to follow arbitrary, useless rules prepares you for a great corporate job. And dealing with the DMV.

What college still accepts non-typed assignments? Get a computer. Or at least a typewriter dude.


leksileks 0

UH OH! Cool kid alert! Everybody watch out for this kid or else he'll "cuss you off!"