By NotYourFriend - 24/10/2016 19:53

Today, I had to kick my husband's friend out of our house after a week. He left lights on, played video games all day, ate all of our food and laughed when his son hit my dog. He was only invited over for one dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 150
You deserved it 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OK, maybe he gets a little drunk at dinner and you let him crash on the couch for the night. But how can the guy think that both he and his son staying for a week is even remotely OK?

One week is a lot of time. Should've kicked him before.


jedikenny 7

I wonder how long he would've been there if you hadn't said anything.

Hybricide 8

I would have kicked him out after him laughing at an animal getting hit.

How did you not throw him out, oh, the next morning, assuming he slept off his bender?

If your husband had any balls, he would have handled the situation with his friend instead of leaving it for you.

In the NC if you invite someone to stay the night and they do, legally have the right to stay for 29 more days rent free. If I end up homeless, Ima go house shopping and convince the people that live there to let me stay “only one night” in their mansion with two pools, tennis & basketball court, 27 bed/53 bath. Yep