By penguinsfan - 16/05/2009 14:47 - Canada

Today, I had to pee badly. I went into a stall and sat down. Only until after I'd peed, I realized that I didn't have any toilet paper. I waddled to the next stall with my pants down to get more toilet paper, believing that the bathroom was empty. It wasn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 131
You deserved it 53 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LMAO. the mental image of this is just too much..

designedlikedice 0

You couldn't hear people who were in there?


Well this one is better than the FML where the person had no toilet paper so they used two five dollar bills to wipe... And, are you serious, 16 and 43? There are actually women who intentionally DON'T wipe after peeing? Gross.

vag_fml 0

and the pee dripped all into your pants anyway so you might as well have just dripped dry and dealt with it like the rest of us do when we run out. idiot.

hahayou12345 0

Must as well have worn on your panties and gone home to wash up.

lol! some girl did that at my school. she was the only one in there when i walked in and i see her crawling from one stall to the next without her undies on. i was sooo grossed out.

n1125 0

HAHAHHA ooo man i can just see that happening waddle like a penguin

#29 is exactly what I was thinking.

hahahaha @ 48. Seinfeld is forever the greatest.

fyi, #16 most likely isn't a chick, he's probably ignorant to the situation.