By DocKreso - 28/06/2013 21:59 - Croatia - Split

Today, I had to remove a glass bottle, complete with an ineffective pullstring, from a patient's rectum. He claimed that he'd accidentally sat on it, and later threatened to sue me for every penny if I breathed a word of it to anyone. Oops, looks like I just did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 889
You deserved it 6 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully said patient doesn't read this website! Otherwise, good luck being poor!

There's no hipaa violation if you didn't mention his name. Hahahaha!!!


If someone comes into hospital with something in their rectum, we reserve the right to tell everyone. Whilst maintaining Confidentiality, obviously. That's why we work in the Emergency Department!

CharresBarkrey 15

Edit. Wrong comment. Ignore please.

CharresBarkrey 15

103 - A joke is something funny, but not all funny things are jokes. ;) Like how a square is a rectangle, but not all rectangles are squares.

Shandra78 9

Some people never mature beyond shoving everything they find up their butts...

YDI for the fact that you put doctor patient confidentiality information on a WEBSITE that goes all over the world.

*Frank Costanza voice* 1 in a million doc.... 1 in a million

I do believe Doc Bastard has us beat there. Doesn't he have it as his profile pic.