By :$ - 06/08/2012 22:08 - Canada - Niagara Falls

Today, I had to scream for my dad to come help me, after I got my hair caught in a fan while trying to make the Darth Vader voice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 990
You deserved it 35 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Luke, I am your fath.... YAAAAAHH! HELP! HELP!"


Your father must be so proud , although least he now gets to tell the story to everyone :)

tne201992 12

123- You don't need retype this, we understood it the first time.... Sadly.

BlondeBaller 0

Could've used a hair tie! :p

You deserve it for thinking that's a Darth Vader voice. Have you even watched Star Wars? His voice is deep and breathy. Fan voice is high and warbley, it's obviously a robot or an alien.

Is it strange to admit that I've done exactly the same?