By :$ - 06/08/2012 22:08 - Canada - Niagara Falls

Today, I had to scream for my dad to come help me, after I got my hair caught in a fan while trying to make the Darth Vader voice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 990
You deserved it 35 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Luke, I am your fath.... YAAAAAHH! HELP! HELP!"


You don't deserve it op. I mean come on, we've all done that at one point in our lives.. It's not your fault it got caught

challan 19

I hardly ever do that! Only every time I'm next to a fan...

DylansMomma 9

Your comment : 1 word: Dumbass.

Ever heard of a hair tie? I have a couple extra, you can borrow them sometime;);)

How did that happen? I thought fans blew things not sucked them in, unless your head was like right up against the motor.

Well, fans suck air from one side and blow it faster on the other side ;)

It would have been super cool if he cut you free with a Light Saber!(:

AphyTheBronette 15

At least it was her hair, not her hand..

fukmefreddy 4

with this one, the force is not strong

KiddNYC1O 20

I did that the other day while singing the Killers' Somebody Told Me. Good thing I don't have long hair.