By :$ - 06/08/2012 22:08 - Canada - Niagara Falls

Today, I had to scream for my dad to come help me, after I got my hair caught in a fan while trying to make the Darth Vader voice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 990
You deserved it 35 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Luke, I am your fath.... YAAAAAHH! HELP! HELP!"


His voice doesn't sound like when you speak into a fan haha

Austyn57 1

you dnt knw the power of the dark side

uhnevermind 24

Let's be honest, anyone who says they don't do this is a liar.

kitsune3 20

Nobody said OP's hair got sucked into it. It probably just snagged on on of the fanblades.

You saying that reminds me of space balls. " She's gone from suck to blow!" Gotta love Mel Brook

usmcheins 1

That happened to this snobby girl in class, except everyone laughed and no one bothered to help and the teacher was out of the room